3 Tips to Consider to Effectively Unclog a Shower Drain
Keeping your bathroom clean is a fundamental hygiene standard that allows us to maintain a healthy lifestyle. However, issues concerning a clogged shower drain are prevalent across the world. Dealing with a clogged shower drain can be extremely frustrating to say the least.
Thus, the foremost question “how to unclog a shower drain?” arises in the mind of millions throughout. To effectively address this question, be sure to consider the following tips to identify relevant solutions.
1. Use Plumbing Tools
Individuals struggling to unclog shower drain must primarily consider using plumbing tools and equipment to attain favorable results. Chemical plumbing products such as Drano offer relevant solutions. However, if Drano doesn’t work then the use of a plumbing auger [also known as Drain Snake] is highly recommended.
A plumbing auger is highly flexible and can reach great drain depth to remove debris such as hair and soap residue. All you need to do is insert the Drain Snake into the clogged shower drain and rotate to untangle stored debris. Running hot water through the drain after completing the process will help attain favorable results.
2. Use a Homemade Mixture of Vinegar and Baking Soda
Clearing a shower drain becomes comparatively easier by using a vinegar and baking soda solution. This combination possesses remarkable cleaning properties. All you have to do is pour a cup of baking soda into the clogged drain followed by another cup of vinegar after a 10 minute interval.
The two elements react and produce a fizz that dissolves debris and effectively cleans the drain thoroughly. Run hot water through the drain after waiting for 30 minutes to attain favorable results.
3. Seek Assistance from Experts
If the above-mentioned remedies fail, individuals must consider collaborating with experienced plumbers to successfully unclog shower drain. According to Smart Choice Plumbing, professional plumbing service providers possess the required knowledge and use top-notch tools that resolve complicated shower clogging issues in no time.
Final Overview
These were some of the most fundamental tips that will help you to clean your shower drain successfully. Be sure to conduct a thorough online research to avail more detailed information on this topic.