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Manifest your goals using candles the right way

Candles are incredibly versatile. They can be used to manifest your goals and desires, as well as create the perfect atmosphere. I personally have many candles, and I have one burning next to me as I write this. As a candle maker, I appreciate the craft and science behind each little candle.

In this article, let’s explore how to use “candle magic” or intention candles to manifest your goals or clear your energy.

Crafting and Using Intention Candles

Candles are more than just decorative items; they can be powerful tools for focusing your intentions and energy. Let’s dive into how you can use candles for both manifesting your goals and clearing negative energy.

The Basics of Candle Magic

Candle magic involves setting an intention and using the candle as a focal point for that intention. This practice can help you visualize your goals and desires, making them feel more attainable. When you light a candle, you are symbolically igniting your intention and sending it out into the universe.

Using Candles for Energy Clearing

Energy clearing is the process of cleansing one’s energy to release negative emotions like sadness, anger, and overwhelm. People who need energy clearing might experience physical symptoms like tiredness, aches, and pains, or even nausea. Candle work can help with emotional regulation by creating a calming and focused environment.

Steps for Energy Clearing with Candles:

  1. Choose the Right Candle: Select a candle that resonates with you. A sage candle, for example, is great for clearing energy and attracting positive vibes.
  2. Set Your Intention: Look into the flame and set your intention. You might say something like, “On behalf of my highest good, I release this feeling of anxiety.”
  3. Focus on the Flame: As you watch the flame, visualize your negative emotions being absorbed by the fire and transformed into positive energy.
  4. Repeat as Needed: Energy clearing is a process, and it might take multiple sessions to feel a significant difference.

Using Candles to Manifest Your Goals

Manifesting your goals with candles involves setting clear, positive intentions and visualizing your desired outcome. Affirmations and manifestations are personal, and what works for one person might not work for another. However, candles can be a powerful tool for those who find visualization helpful.

Steps for Manifesting with Candles:

  1. Set a Clear Intention: Be specific but flexible. Instead of saying, “I will win $5,000 from the Lotto this Friday,” try, “I need $5,000 to go to Italy. Let this money manifest into my bank account now.”
  2. Visualize Your Goal: As you light the candle, visualize your goal as if it has already been achieved. See yourself in Italy, enjoying your trip.
  3. Speak Your Affirmation: Speak your intention out loud while looking at the flame. This helps reinforce your goal in your subconscious mind.
  4. Let It Go: After setting your intention, let go of the “how” and “when.” Trust that the universe will work out the details.

Crafting Your Own Intention Candles

Making your own intention candles can add a personal touch to your practice. Here’s how you can craft a clearing candle:

  1. Gather Materials: You’ll need wax, a wick, essential oils (like sage for clearing), and a container.
  2. Melt the Wax: Heat the wax until it’s fully melted.
  3. Add Essential Oils: Mix in the essential oils that match your intention.
  4. Pour the Wax: Pour the wax into the container with the wick in place.
  5. Set Your Intention: As the candle sets, focus on your intention for this candle. For example, you might think about clearing negative energy.

Final Thoughts

Using candles for energy clearing and manifesting goals is a simple yet powerful practice. Whether you’re looking to release negative emotions or achieve a specific goal, intention candles can help you focus your energy and visualize your desires.

Remember, a candle is just a tool. It helps you concentrate your thoughts and intentions, but the real power comes from within you. With practice and patience, candle magic can become a meaningful part of your personal growth and self-care routine.

Stay tuned for more tips on how to use candle magic in future editions.

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