How to choose the best tankless water heater
Tankless electric water heater has lots of benefits that every household can enjoy. Homeowners would want to switch to an electric tankless heater from its space-saving profile, energy efficiency, safe heating procedure, and good warranty terms to its longer lifespan. The problem is that there are countless options to choose from. It is easy to get overwhelmed and confused with this many selections, especially when homeowners have little to no idea what to buy. To help with that, here are some notable points homeowners can consider when choosing the best tankless water heater for their needs.
Determine the number of devices
This first step is one of the most important when considering a tankless water heater. How many units will a homeowner need? This can be determined by considering how many people in a household regularly use hot water or knowing the average use of hot water in their home. For instance, if there are ten or more people in a household, it may need more than one unit. If there’s only one homeowner or two more people, there’s no need for multiple electric tankless water heater units.
Know the required temperature rise
This second step should always be considered when buying a tankless water heater. Homeowners should determine how well the heater heats water to the required temperature or the temperature rise. To determine the best temperature rise capabilities that a homeowner needs in a tankless water heater, some information about homeowners’ homes should be considered. One of these is the average temperature of the water coming out of the pipes. Determining the correct temperature rise factor for the tankless water heater will be based on incoming water temperature. In the Philippines, the average water temperature is 29.8°C or higher if summer. In that case, the needed temperature rise should be at least 40°C. There is available info online, depending on the location.
Determine the size needed
Knowing the best size is another critical aspect of choosing the best tankless water heater. Homeowners must determine how much water they averagely use and the temperature rise needed. If the water requires more heating, then a bigger unit might be the best when a larger volume of water is regularly used.
As with any appliance, long-term maintenance should always be considered. Luckily, a Tankless electric water heater has a longer life span than a conventional one, promising twice its lifespan. In the Philippines, hard water or mineral-rich water can be a problem. It is advised to have it checked every six months to ensure no clogging and excessive corrosion. Most brands offer a warranty that reaches up to 20 years.
Having a tankless electric water heater sure does deliver significant benefits for every household. That is why switching with it is not a big issue. The only problem is that there are countless options to choose from, and it can be confusing as to which one is the best depending on their individual needs. Luckily, there are some steps that every homeowner can follow, such as determining household information to have the best tankless electric water heater that will suit their needs.
To check the vast choices of Tankless electric water heater price in Philippines, visit Rheem Philippines website to learn more.