Safety Tips for Stove Wood Burning
Wood burning stoves are great sources of heat and light, but if you’re inexperienced in using them, you may not know about the precautions you need to take when handling them—if you don’t take the proper precautions, you could end up in serious danger of fire or burns. Here are some safety tips for stove wood burning to ensure that your stove works well and that you stay safe while using it. If you are looking for some firewood or logs to use, why not visit Firewood shop in Denbighshire.
Keep an eye on your stove
When wood burning on your stove, be sure to keep an eye on it! Hot embers can roll out of your fireplace and start a fire, so always pay attention. If you notice embers burning away in a spot where they shouldn’t be, have a bucket of water ready to knock them out before they get too far. Keep water nearby, but not too close to your fireplace so you don’t accidentally splash any on hot coals. You might also want to invest in a safety gate if you have young children or pets who might be curious about what’s going on.
Give yourself plenty of space
Even if you’re a beginner, there are still safety tips to follow. Always stay aware of what you’re doing and give yourself plenty of space in case anything unexpected happens. Don’t try to rush things; wood burning takes time, so keep your pace slow. Keep your kit with you at all times and make sure that each tool is placed out of reach from any flammable materials such as curtains or blankets.
Understand how ventilation works
There are two main types of wood burning: room-ventilation, or indoor wood burning, and stove-ventilation, or outdoor wood burning. Both methods need to be used in conjunction with safety precautions. For instance, if you’re using a wood-burning pen indoors, you should make sure to have adequate ventilation in your home. You can look up specific ventilation requirements based on which region of the UK you live in.
Feed your fire correctly
There’s a reason that starting a fire is referred to as feeding—once it gets going, your stove wood burning needs more fuel. But don’t stick wood in willy-nilly; feeding your fire correctly helps it burn cleanly and safely. For beginners, remember that your stove has an air damper (usually at its bottom) to help you control airflow.
Understand heat levels so you don’t burn yourself
When burning wood in your stove, it’s important to understand what level of heat you’re dealing with. This helps you take precautions as necessary, especially when burning smaller pieces. If you have a large log that burns slowly and lasts a long time, there’s no need to stand right next to it. Smaller pieces may result in more frequent attention from you so they don’t burn out of control and start smoldering inside your chimney.