When Should You Clean or Replace Your AC Filter?
When it comes to keeping your home cool, air conditioners may work wonders. However, just like any other appliance, you must maintain it in order for it to function properly and avoid breakdowns. Cleaning your air conditioner is one method to care for it.
Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning will assist you with any air conditioning services in Madison, WI. This involves both cleaning your filters and ensuring that any new filters you may require are put in correctly the first time. Learning when to clean your filters might be difficult if you are unfamiliar with the procedure, but knowing the following methods will ensure that you are an expert at recognizing a filthy filter.
Dirt and Dust
When dirt and dust begin to accumulate on the exterior of the vent from which your air originates, you know it’s time to clean your AC filter. Because the filter is no longer clean, it is unable to filter the particles from the air while still allowing clean air to flow through. This build-up can cause allergies, sickness, and dust build-up, which might cause your house to require more or more frequent cleaning than usual. Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning’s AC installation pros can assist you in getting your filter cleaned or replaced, as well as ensuring you have the correct filter for your AC unit.
Increase in Electricity
The cost of your power bill is another more subtle indicator that your filter may be defective. A blocked or filthy filter causes the AC unit to work harder than it has to. As a result, the unit consumes more power, imposing a cost on your electric bill. This is reflected in your power bill at the end of the month, but only somewhat at times. Although a filthy filter might be costly, hiring Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning can help you out by saving you money with their reasonable services! Giving them a call to set it up is a risk-free venture, so you won’t be taken advantage of.
Cooling Your Home Takes More Time
When your filter is dirty, it may appear that it takes longer to cool your home, as well as an increase in your energy expenditure. This is also due to the existing dirt and dust accumulation, making it more difficult to pass the air through the filter. If you discover that it is taking longer than usual to cool your home, contact Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning to get your filter cleaned: Because the air that is intended to be cleansed by the filter is unable to pass through, it takes significantly longer to cool things down.
Many people are unaware that air conditioners have filters, let alone that they must be replaced. Did you know that the typical air conditioner filter has to be replaced every 90 days? Cardinal Heating & Air Conditioning has been servicing Sun Prairie, Fitchburg, and Madison, WI, for over 30 years, so you can be confident that you and your AC unit are in excellent, clean hands.