The Hidden Homes

Home Improvement Blog

How Can You Pick The Best Water-Fed Pole?

You can find a number of different varieties of water-fed window cleaning equipment UK, each with different styles, materials and sizes. Here mentioned are two of the most important differences that you should keep in mind to make the right choice. 

  • Pole Clamping Systems:

This is perhaps the best way to differentiate between the water-fed poles found by any brand or model. Almost every brand will offer you materials like aluminium, glass fibre and hybrid or carbon composite. In addition, the section diameters and lengths can always make a difference. That said, none of that will have as severe an effect as the clamping system. 

There are many pole and clamp types you should know about and surf through. Make sure that you eventually get one that helps reduce the wear on your water-fed poles while also being able to deliver clamping grip and power. 

  • Pole Sizes:

Next comes the length of a pole. This can heavily depend on the kind of work you do. While most domestic work usually requires window cleaning of only the ground and first floor, which makes 19 to 22 feet an ideal length. When compared to commercial work, they might require larger, 30 to 40 feet poles, sometimes even 50 feet ones.

More so, they will also require better extendable sections and more studier models. You might think getting the biggest pole can take care of all such problems, but you will soon notice how hard it is to clean a 20 feet property with a 50 feet pole. It is best that you consider your usage of window cleaning poles and choose the size accordingly. 

With these in mind, you will surely be able to tell the differences between two poles and ensure you have picked the right one. It is also a great idea to check the reviews before you make the purchase. 


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