What exactly is a party wall, though?
A wall that is constructed immediately on the boundary of land that is owned by two or more separate parties is referred to as a party wall. The walls that divide terraced or semi-detached residences, as well as the walls that serve as the border between two gardens, are two good examples of boundary walls (party fence walls).
The Act Concerning Party Walls
The Party Wall Act of 1996 was created to restrict building activity that might threaten the integrity of the structure of any cinder block wall (party wall) or nearby homes. It was passed in England and Wales and applies to residential properties in those countries. It is possible to utilise the Party Wall Act to prevent conflicts between neighbours and to assist in the resolution of those conflicts if they do occur.
Party Wall disputes are resolved in accordance with common law, hence the Party Wall Act of 1996 does not apply in those countries.
Do I need an agreement for the party wall?
If you want to perform any building work near or on a party wall, you are required to have a party wall contract in place first. You are required to inform your friends, supply them with a Party Wall Notice, and come up with a written House Wall Agreement before moving further. If you hire a builder or an architect, they should be able to provide you with guidance on this matter; but, they would not serve the notice on your behalf. Party Wall Surveyor Leeds
You are need to get a Party Wall Understanding in order to carry out the following types of work:
Any work done to shared walls (sometimes called party walls) between properties that are semi-detached or terraced.
Work on shared “party structures,” such as floors between flats, is an example of this type of work.
Make improvements to the garden walls.
activities of excavation or underpinning carried out against or in close proximity (within 3-6 metres) to a party wall.
Conversions of loft space that require sawing through a party wall.
Putting a moisture proof course into a party wall as a preventative measure.
Increasing the height or thickness of the party walls.
Constructing a second-story addition on top of the existing shared wall.
A new wall is being built either up to or off of the party wall.
Which types of work do not need to be covered by a party wall alliance?
A party wall agreements is not required for all work that is done to party walls. These include drilling into the wall internally to accommodate kitchen units or shelves, which are examples of small operations that fall under this category. Plastering the wall, installing more or replaced electrical wire or sockets, or changing existing electrical sockets will not require an agreement either.
What exactly is meant by a “party wall notice”?
Between two months and a year before the work is scheduled to begin, you are required to give a Party Wall Notice to your neighbours in order to provide them with notice of the works you intend to carry out to the party wall in question. This notice must be delivered in writing.
It is not necessary to obtain planning clearance in order to serve a party wall notice. On the other hand, given that you will have up to a year to begin construction once the notice has been served, it is in your best interest to get this done as quickly as possible in order to prevent any delays.
In order to reassure your neighbours that you are following the appropriate protocol and safety procedures, you ought to first have a face-to-face conversation with them before giving them written notice. This should make it easier to prevent disagreements or misunderstandings, and it should also make it possible to draught an agreement more quickly.
You might also provide your neighbour with information on the Party Wall Act in order to assist them in comprehending the procedure; alternatively, you could send your neighbour to the area of the Government website devoted to Party Wall information.
You should write to your impacted neighbor(s) in order to properly serve notice. In the letter, you should provide your contact information, complete details of the work that you have planned, the date that work will begin, as well as any access requirements over their land (perhaps to get materials or equipment onto site). In the event that you have contiguous leasehold properties, you are required to give notice to both the owners of the building and the tenant(s) currently residing in it.
On this page of the government website, you may locate a helpful guidance in addition to templates for Party Wall Notices. It is advisable to include a reply letter and envelope for the neighbours to sign and return. This should not come as a surprise to them if you have already had a conversation with them before to delivering the letter.
What are my options now that my neighbour has declined to honour the party facade agreement that we had previously established?
You are said to be “in disagreement” with your neighbour if, after delivering notice on them, they either refuse to consent or fail to respond to the notification.
You have a few choices available to you here. In the first place, you may speak with your next-door neighbour, take the time to address their concerns, and work toward a solution that satisfies both of your needs. This is the perfect scenario.
They could send you a written response with a rebuttal notice. In most cases, these notifications will seek modifications to the work that was described, more work, or occasionally stipulations such as limited working hours. If you and your partner are able to reach an agreement on these revised parameters, you ought to put them in writing and proceed. It is possible that your neighbour may be required to pay a portion of the expenses associated with any additional work that they want and that will be to their benefit.
In the event that an agreement cannot be reached, you will be required to engage the services of a Party Wall Surveyor. You and your partner have the option of appointing a surveyor to work for both of you, or you can choose to individually choose your own. A Party Wall Award will be arranged by the surveyor, which will outline the specifics of the construction.
The Party Wall Award is a legal document that specifies what kind of work may be done, when it can be done, how it will be done, and who will pay for it (including the costs of the surveyor). You have the right to file what is known as a “appellant’s notice” in a county court in order to explain the reasons for your decision to appeal the award in the event that you are unhappy with it.
Do I require the services of a party wall surveyor?
People frequently discover, to their surprise, that they do not need the services of a party wall surveyor. There is often no need to hire a surveyor if your neighbour answers to your notice by granting approval in writing that works can begin, since this eliminates the requirement for the notice to be served.
In any case, it is still your responsibility to ensure that any damage caused by the works is corrected when it has been completed. In order to avoid disagreements in the future, such as those about cracks in the wall, inspect the wall with your neighbour before construction begins, and then take photographs of the wall and share them with each other. In order to reduce the likelihood of legal conflicts later on, some individuals choose to have a condition survey performed by a surveyor at this point in the process.
In the event that your next-door neighbour refuses to grant permission, you will be required to get a Party Wall Award and, as a result, a party wall surveyor. In most cases, you and your neighbour will only work with a single surveyor (a good idea as it means only one set of fees).
There are a variety of fees involved, but the overall cost of a Party Wall Award is often close to one thousand pounds.