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How to Winterize Your Home’s Plumbing and Avoid Frozen Pipes

If you live in an area that experiences cold winters, you know the importance of properly insulating your home. Unfortunately, even if you take all the necessary precautions, there’s always a chance that your pipes could freeze. And when that happens, you need to act fast to prevent severe damage. That’s where we come in. Vern Kummers Plumbing in Green Bay, WI, is available 24/7 to help you clear your frozen pipes and get your water flowing again.

What Causes Pipes to Freeze?

Pipes freezing is a common issue during cold weather. When the water in the pipes freezes, it expands and puts pressure on the pipes. This can cause them to crack or even burst. The most vulnerable pipes are those exposed to the cold air, such as those in unheated areas of your home, such as the basement, attic, garage, or under kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Pipes that run against exterior walls are also at risk of freezing. This can happen due to several factors, including:

  • Cold weather: If it’s cold outside, there’s a greater chance that your pipes will freeze. That’s why it’s so important to take extra care to insulate your pipes during winter.


  • Poor insulation: Even if it’s not particularly cold outside if your pipes aren’t well-insulated, they’re still at risk of freezing. That’s why it’s essential to ensure that all exposed pipes are properly insulated.
  • Damaged pipe: A damaged or cracked pipe is much more likely to freeze than a healthy one. That’s because nothing holds the frozen water in place, so it can easily expand and cause the pipe to burst.

How to Thaw Out Frozen Pipes

You should initially switch off the water at the main shut-off valve if you suspect that your pipes may be frozen. This will stop more water from leaking into the piping system and inflicting more harm. Open all of your home’s taps once the water has been turned off so that any water that does thaw has somewhere to go. You can then begin thawing out the frozen pipes using one of these methods:

  • Apply heat: Use a hair dryer, space heater, or heat lamp to apply gentle heat directly to the frozen section of the pipe. Do not use an open flame, as this could melt the plastic pipes!
  • Apply hot towels: Wrapping a hot towel around exposed plumbing can also help thaw frozen pipes. Just be careful to apply only a little heat at a time, as this could damage the pipes.
  • Use a plunger: For small sections of a frozen pipe, try to break up the ice and get things flowing again. This won’t work for large sections of a frozen pipe, but it might be enough to get some water flowing until you can thaw out the rest with one of the other methods listed above.

Be careful trying any DIY methods, if you are in need of immediate assistance, Vern Kummers Plumbing Green Bay, WI. We are available 24/7 to assist you in your immediate needs.

Professional Vern Kummers Plumbing Green Bay, WI

The discovery that your pipes have frozen during the winter is among the worst things that may occur. In addition to being a tremendous inconvenience, if the pipes break, it might cause extensive damage. Act quickly and get in touch with a specialist if you suspect that your pipes may be frozen. For all of your plumbing requirements, including defrosting frozen pipes, Vern Kummers Plumbing in Green Bay, WI, provides around-the-clock assistance. We’ll work swiftly and effectively to restore flow to your pipes while assisting you in taking precautions against further freezing. Don’t let frozen pipes ruin your winter – give us a call today!

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