The Benefits of a Professional Water Heater Installation
Thanks to the proliferation of useful online guides, people have become confident in their ability to adapt and install any device. However, you should never attempt to install a water heater if you have no experience doing so. While the DIY guru at the helm of the video might have faith in your ability to get the job done, there are many ways in which things could go wrong if you don’t have the right equipment or background.
Licensed Plumbing Services
Manufacturers of water heaters typically recommend having a licensed plumber set up your new unit. In addition to being risky and time-consuming, installing a water heater on your own is strongly discouraged. You should hire a professional with experience installing several water heaters if you care about getting the job done right. At Charles Krull & Son, Inc. Plumbing & Heating, you can rest easy knowing that your new water heater will be installed quickly and correctly by our experts who have seen almost every model and make.
Safety and Health Concerns
Never attempt to put in a gas water heater without prior experience. To prevent leaks and maintain sufficient ventilation, a gas water heater installation must be done meticulously. A gas water heater uses gas continuously, and if the connection is not securely sealed, natural gas could seep into your home. Gas accumulation could also create a hazardous situation in your home if proper ventilation is unavailable. A tiny spark can set off a chain reaction that causes widespread destruction. Gas water heaters are dangerous and should only be installed by trained technicians who understand the risks involved.
Warranty Guidelines
Water heater installation is not as simple as it may seem, and you must understand local building codes before installing a water heater. The new water heater must also be wired and plumbed into the house safely. The new device’s warranty may be voided if these connections are not completed correctly. Hiring a plumber who is well-versed in all facets of water heater installation ensures that the new unit will be set up correctly and that the warranty will be honored should the need arise for a repair or replacement.
Legal Concerns
There could be legal and safety constraints on where you can put a water heater. Installing a water heater in the wrong location is dangerous and could land you in court if ever something goes wrong at your home or business.
However, even if you are free to handle the installation of your own water heater, it is still advised that you have a licensed expert take care of the process. Professionals can assist you in choosing the right size and type of water heater, in addition to understanding how to do it safely and properly. Get in touch with us today if you need a water heater installation in Oceanside, NY – you can be confident that the job will be done correctly and in accordance with all applicable codes and ordinances.