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What to Know About Installing the Perfect Fence

There are many ways to enhance the look of your home’s exterior. Maybe you choose to paint it, or you tend to a lush garden. However, you could also choose to set up a fence, as it not only adds to the look of your property but also acts as a practical safeguard against both intruders and animals.

While your mind might first wander to a stereotypical white picket fence, there are a lot of factors to consider before you get fence installers to put in just any fence. Even if something looks appealing does not mean that it will last. Be aware of your desires, but also make sure you also know the fundamentals of a proper fence. To help you get started, you can use this article as a checklist so your meeting with a contractor is smooth sailing.

While providing your home security and practicality, why not try to go green, too? When looking for your new fence, research the benefits that come with one installed by Trex Fencing. They are a company that provides fences, gates, and decks, all made of composite materials, to ensure beauty without hindering the growth of the environment.


While you might be eager to get started right away, there are specific tasks that need to be undertaken so that you do not run into any issues during your fencing procedure. For starters, you are going to need to be sure that you can even have a fence at all. There are a lot of areas that have strict zoning laws or HOAs. Do your research by looking online or by calling the local office. Once you have the go-ahead, then you can resume your project.

You will also need to remember your budget when planning. Something might appeal to you, but is it something that you can actually afford? While you may be able to get Home Improvement loans out for specific home improvement projects,, it is not always something you might prefer. The best way to figure out your limitations is by considering the style, height, and area of ground you want to be fenced.


Just like homes themselves, fences can be unique to help homeowners establish themselves among their neighbors. When looking at different fencing companies, you will notice that there are many options for what they can be made of. All carry their own advantages and drawbacks:

  • Wood fences tend to be very sturdy and long-lasting. It is also great for those who are looking for a more natural approach to their fencing. However, depending on the type of wood you choose to use, your fence could become damaged by weather, meaning it will need to be replaced more often.
  • Plastic and PVC can come in an array of colors and is often easier to maintain through cleaning, like hosing it off. It is also easier to install than other types of fencing. The biggest issue people face with vinyl fencing is that it is not as sturdy in certain weather conditions and also may fade over time if in line with the sun.
  • Some people have also turned to metal chain fencing due to their strength against just about anything. However, they are also often the most expensive style of fencing and can be susceptible to issues like rusting.

Trex Fencing offers composite fences made of a mix of both plastic and wood, so you will be able to get the benefits of both without the need to ponder or investigate which is right for you. Some of their fencing also infuses steel or aluminum to keep them strong against high winds.

Fundamentals of Fencing

In order for you to benefit from your fence, you need to make sure it meets the most essential criterion that is often thought of when the word comes to your mind. Before considering aesthetics, you need to make sure you go with something that is long-lasting and durable. Depending on where you live, the weather could hinder a fence’s performance. Think about what elements you face. How strong is the wind? Do you suffer from a lot of rainfall?

Unless the fence is just there for aesthetic reasons, you also need something that provides privacy. Those white picket fences mentioned earlier are definitely not the way to go if you don’t want people peeking through to see what you and your family are doing.

Of course, the best way to ensure that the fence you have is great you will also need to be sure that it is installed properly. Fencing is one of the most manageable tasks that a homeowner is able to perform on their own, and as long as you have the correct items and instructions, it could go without a hitch. However, if you are not confident in your handiwork, the contractors are available to assist you.

Not only would hiring a contractor ensure that the job is done correctly, but they come equipped with premium fencing materials that they can offer at better pricing than you would find shopping in a local retail store. Many, for instance, build fences using Trex Fencing, one of the most renowned brands available.

Get the Best Fence With Trex Fencing

While you can spend hours online on the hunt for questions about materials, installers, and more, all of your needs can be met by turning to Trex Fencing. Providing both high-quality fencing and amazing contractors throughout 29 different countries, both residential and commercial properties can be secured in an eco-friendly manner.

Almost 100% of the materials that Trex Fencing uses are made of recyclable material, and they have never had to cut down trees throughout their nearly three decades of operation. They recycle any of the runoff that their plants use and are now a member of the U.S Green Boarding Council and are also certified by LEED.

Along with the typical vertical look that their Seclusions fencing offers, you can also go horizontal through both Trex Horizons and Horizontals. All three types come in an array of non-fading colors and require very little maintenance. You will never have to worry about staining or painting ever again. If there are flaws with your fencing, you don’t have to worry, as you are equipped with a 25-year warranty.

Not only do they do their part to provide sustainable fencing, but they also offer green gates and decks, too! These come in the same styles as your fencing, so why not get all of your bases covered at once?

If you want to enhance the look and security of your home, then there is no better option than a fence. Even if it might seem like a standard part of many homes, this design element requires a little mindfulness. Never cut corners on quality- let Trex Fencing provide you with the material and installer that will provide you with a fence that can keep both you and the ecosystem safe at once. Visit their website to learn more about their options and to find a contractor near you.

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